What Happens At Concerts?
November 27, 2022

What happens at concerts is a question that I have wondered about recently. As I thought about my experiences at concerts during my college years, almost thirty years of marriage and still going, and recent fondness of musical-themed cruises, I realize that bonding happens. Yes, bonding happens. Most years of our marriage, my husband and I have sweated out and bonded over at least one concert almost yearly.
Fortunately, he and I have started to enjoy an annual venue that last five days. During these days, we bond over a minimum of four concerts daily. The bonding continues way after the live concerts. We continue to share how the concerts made us feel, how much we sang and danced (I do most of the dancing.), and how much we are ready for our next concert. We look look at pictures and videos over and over. Our bonding has been amazing over music.
Since concerts are often part of travel venues or vacations, I have partnered with Golden Tickets, a trusted company who has been selling tickets on the secondary market for over 31 years. I now have access to sold out events and hard to get tickets available for purchase on my new website: Delores Ali Golden Tickets! Check out tickets to any sport, theatre, or concert for opportunities to bond with a love one, friends, colleagues, or travel buddies.